Ahhh the age old question. Should I keep these silver looking fillings in my mouth or not?
To be frank, it’ll be dependent on the dentist that you see. Here at Wanneroo Dental Centre, we believe prevention is better than the cure!
If you’re a regular attender, you can rest assured that we have been closely monitoring how that amalgam filling is going at every check up visit (hence the importance of regular check up and cleanings!)
What we are monitor for at your appointments:
⚡ Is the tooth showing early signs of fractures?
💦 Is the amalgam leaking into the tooth?
💔 Is the metal filling chipping?
🕳️ Is the tooth showing signs of decay?
If your amalgam filling has been in the tooth for years and isn’t obstructing the tooth in any way, then no need to fix what isn’t broken, and we continue to carefully monitor the tooth at your ongoing care visits!
However if the above reasons are contributing to poor structure of that tooth, we will discuss with you your options on how to preserve the nature of the tooth which may include:
1️⃣ Do nothing and wait until the tooth becomes worse off
2️⃣ Taking out the old metal filling and replace it with a composite resin
3️⃣ Taking out the old metal filling and protecting the tooth with a porcelain crown
We will always suggest the most optimal case for you specifically, as every tooth and situation is different.
So why do my teeth crack?
There’s multiple reasons, sadly there’s never really a precise answer. However, with a mouth full of amalgam comes more risk of cracking or fracturing the teeth. Amalgam fillings contain Mercury. And much like a thermometer at home that rises and falls because of the mercury 🌡️ in the mouth, the amalgam will expand and contract with temperature changes. This in turn, will lead to the enamel surrounding the filling to crack 😔
Those who clench or grind their teeth will also have more probability of cracking their teeth too, for this reason we will likely discuss a splint (a guard you wear at night) to protect your teeth for the long term and prevent further wear.
What do you need to do?
To ensure you keep up with your regular dental checks and cleaning, which will allow us to monitor changes and take action when necessary!